ABOUT US Corporate Governance Operating with integrity serves as the cornerstone of our business. We are committed to upholding transparency, accountability, and ethical business practices. OUR GOVERNANCE Anti-corruption compliance All STT GDC employees, and other persons acting on STT GDC’s behalf are expected to act lawfully and ethically at all times while carrying out their job duties and business responsibilities in full compliance with our policy statement and all applicable anti-corruption laws, and shall not directly or indirectly engage in any corrupt practices. Whistleblowing To uphold the highest standards of conduct, all employees are empowered and encouraged to report improper conduct or unethical behaviour without any fear of reprisal. For safe and confidential reporting, all concerns will be treated with strict confidence, fairly, and expeditiously. Any type of retaliation against an employee for reporting a concern in good faith is viewed as a serious matter and shall be regarded as a cause for disciplinary action. For anonymous reporting, you may contact our Business Conduct hotline managed by an independent third-party service provider: Call: +65 6705 7192 (9am to 6pm SGT) Email sttgdc@rsmsingapore.sg