BLOG How data centre disaster recovery service is integral for business recovery Apr 25, 2021 STT GDC India SHARE Link copied! An effective recovery plan is essential for businesses to deal with disasters and emergencies so they can avoid system downtime and ensure data availability at all times. It is vital for companies to safeguard their services and data to protect their brand reputation. They need to have backup recovery systems in place before disaster strikes. For this purpose, businesses can use data centre services and deploy disaster recovery strategies to minimize the risk of data loss or breaches and ensure operational continuity. Enterprise data centres can help organizations implement the following disaster recovery plans: The Role Of Recovery Services with DRaaS The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an increase in data traffic as employees are working remotely. Companies can track their data centre servers remotely by using DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service). DRaaS is a cloud service that allows an organization to back up its data and IT infrastructure on a third-party cloud computing environment and provide all the DR orchestration, all through a SaaS solution, to regain access and functionality to IT infrastructure. The IT staff can meet existing usage patterns by scaling up data centre services. DRaaS can also protect data and replicate it if there is an emergency. Shield from Cyber Dangers As per a security solution provider's report, the company's products identified and blocked more than 52.8 million cyber threats in India in the first quarter of 2020. Businesses have been more vulnerable to cyber threats like phishing and ransomware attacks. DRaaS enables cloud data backups without using an organization's servers for the purpose. This offers protection for company data from cyber-attacks and data loss. Efficient Handling of Disasters Other data recovery methods like BaaS (Backup as a Service) and RaaS (Recovery as a Service) are slower compared to DRaaS when it comes to disaster recovery. DRaaS offers a predetermined and clear plan that the IT team can implement to handle system failure. In addition, DRaaS permits organizations to run several tests to make sure their failover strategies are functioning properly. Automated Recovery DRaaS presents a reliable, automated, and faster recovery operation compared to an in-house process for data recovery. DRaaS providers use orchestrated and automated recovery, and data replication methods to deliver efficient recovery plans. They also utilize the public cloud to offer a flexible usage-based method to their clients. Seamless Redundancy Tier 4 DRaaS prevents loose ends by offering redundancies for all processes. A Tier 4 enterprise data centre protects your applications and data from mechanical failures. It has backup systems for network links, data storage, power, and cooling. How to Formulate Best Recovery Practices Now, let's look at how organizations can prepare and use advanced data recovery measures implemented by leading enterprise data centres: Evaluate Risks to Operations and Data First, a business needs to determine its data recovery needs and identify the risks posed by a disaster scenario to its operations. It can develop an integrated plan for risk management that provides a comprehensive overview of the different ways in which an emergency can affect infrastructure and operations. Create a Disaster Recovery System Next, the organization can create a disaster recovery strategy using data centre services. The plan should include a comprehensive evaluation of critical systems and data assets. IT staff should be appraised of this emergency recovery plan, so they'll know which tasks to prioritize and what roles to fulfill to handle a disaster situation. Identify Off-Site Locations for Backup Off-site data backup is recommended because data assets stored in one place are open to risks like ransomware attacks, increased downtime, and data loss. The off-site backup location shouldn't be exposed to similar risks like the enterprise's main data location. It should be far enough from the company's offices to not face the same threats while being close enough for convenient access. Delegate Roles for the Company's Emergency Recovery Team Organizations need to keep ready a dedicated disaster recovery team with roles and responsibilities for each person to handle emergency situations. The team should have the following personnel: Executive Leaders: Senior leaders should actively take part in the plans since they need to evaluate and clear the budget for disaster recovery. IT Managers: IT executives can understand the company's IT needs and challenges, and the measures needed to recover from different kinds of service interruption. Department Advisors: Application and systems users will know what are the priority solutions that need to work at all times for their unit operations. These department advisors can provide valuable insights and input for the formulation of an emergency recovery plan. Compliance and Security Managers: As disasters can affect data security and availability, it's vital to include compliance and security managers in the planning and implementation of the firm's recovery plans. STT GDC India is a leading provider of data centre services in India with 18 advanced facilities in nine cities.