BLOG Know how colocation services are thriving in Chennai during lockdown Jan 29, 2021 STT GDC India SHARE Link copied! The data centre market is booming in India and is predicted to expand at a CAGR of more than 9.9% from 2019 to 2025. In this article, we look at how colocation services and data centres in Chennai are thriving during lockdown. Data Centres in Chennai Presently, there are 12 colocation data centres in Chennai. In 2020, six leading companies have pledged to invest about Rs 12,000 crore in the data centre industry in Chennai. The strengths of Chennai are availability of surplus power, undersea cables that link to countries in Southeast Asia, and ample land and industrial parks in and near the city. Though Mumbai is far ahead as the numero uno, Chennai bids fair to take second place as a data hub. Currently, STT GDC India operates 30MW of IT load in its two data centres in Chennai and has plans to add another 15MW in the near future. The company is seeking the support of the state government to expand its operations in Chennai and other parts of the state, besides developing India's largest DC in production environment. Colocation Services Helping Local Businesses in Chennai with Benefits Colocation services and data centres in Chennai are assisting local firms in the city in the following ways: Reduced Barriers Most enterprises plan investment strategies, ideologies, business processes, and capital expenditures with the goal improving the customer experience. A diverse organization typically has dispersed locations, products, and services. This can hamper effective customer engagement. Data centres in Chennai are helping local firms minimize operational barriers that impact customer service. They deliver managed hosting services and convenient data flow and management to aid you to bolster your customer engagement across your processes. Underwater Cables & Stations With 3 undersea cable landing stations at present, Chennai has a solid optic fiber network connectivity, which have a total capacity of 14.8 terabytes per second. According to a 2018 CBRE study, this, combined with a high level of network performance and reliability, has contributed to the city's popularity as one of India's emerging data centre hubs. Data Storage and Management Businesses are generating ever-increasing volumes of data which needs to be stored, processed, and analyzed properly. This is being done efficiently by data centres in Chennai which are inspiring more companies to adopt cloud computing. Colocation services in the city are integrating cloud and physical storage functionalities to meet data storage needs. This technology is boosting M&A activities, which in turn, is leading to exponential increase in data collection and collaboration that further enhances the requirement for proper data storage. Growth Opportunities Most companies in Chennai have understood the advantages offered by a colocation services provider for their business. Data centres in Chennai offer a range of resources that can be utilized by organizations to boost their growth opportunities. Enterprises can use the scale offered by these data hubs to make their presence more dominant in the market. The need of the hour is thus a proficient colocation services provider that can deliver robust infrastructure by integrating and automating data management to help enterprises in Chennai control and track their data efficiently. Data Security The large volumes of transactional and business data being collected today needs to be secured properly. Companies need to put in place efficient systems to monitor their data capture and analysis processes and ensure their sensitive information is protected from potential attacks and risks. Data centres in Chennai have the requisite tracking capabilities and expertise to swiftly identify breaches and risks and tackle them effectively. Most providers present multi-tier infrastructure to secure the valuable information of organizations. Besides cyber-security, top data centres in Chennai also implement robust physical security measures that include access management, round-the-clock surveillance, intruder alarms, and other advanced protection systems. They also offer fast data recovery and retrieval from backups to ensure your data is shielded from natural disasters. Higher Margins Data centres in Chennai offer the advantages of data security, service efficiencies, and cost savings. A big advantage is you can pay as you go and utilize only the resources required for your current needs. Plus, you can customize the data centre solutions for your local requirements while maintaining the efficiency of your core business processes. Colocation services are also scalable, and you can avail greater resources in the future to meet higher demands as your company expands. STT GDC India Data Centres in Chennai STT GDC India operates two data centres in Chennai, at VSB, Swami Sivananda Salai, and at Ambattur. The data centres meet TIA 942 requirements with features such as concurring maintainability, no single failure point, resiliency design principles, and more. These facilities have direct fiber connectivity and paths which helps to reduce risks and improve control. STT GDC India is a leading carrier neutral colocation service provider that offers 18 network dense facilities in nine Indian cities.