MEDIA ARTICLE Sumit Mukhija, CEO, STT GDC India, sharing his views with Data Economy magazine Apr 22, 2019 STT GDC India SHARE Link copied! "India is going through a digital transformation. It is disruptive, it is real, and it is well embraced by enterprises and aggressively backed by government through popular initiatives like the GST reforms, Smart cities, Rupay, UID and various inclusive citizen services etc.," Sumit said in his interview. "These are further fuelled by the boom in Fintech and E-commerce and now AI and IoT are knocking the doors as well. Cloud computing is one of the most disruptive forces in the digital age impacting IT strategy and expenditure," he added. "For all enterprises, it is no longer about "why cloud"; it is about "when" and "at what scale" and in fact many of them are adopting a cloud-first strategy" Read more